City Of Calgary’s Fall Checklist

City Of Calgary’s Fall checklist (taken from City of Calgary’s website)for more information head to

Lawn and yard

  • See our watering 101 guides to find out when to stop watering plants, shrubs and trees – Mature Landscaping or New Landscaping.
  • Consult our YardSmart plant lists to make any seasonal additions to your garden like bulbs.
  • Clean debris and dead annuals from plant beds, and cut back perennials.
  • Place mulch around perennials and trees to protect them from frost.
  • Prune your trees and shrubs.
  • Let your grass grow into dormancy – stop watering and stop cutting.
  • Turn off the outdoor water supply to avoid winter leaks.
  • Properly winterize and turn off your irrigation system to avoid leaks.
  • Clean debris out of your gutters.
  • Clean and repair downspouts, and direct stormwater away from your house, ideally towards your garden.
  • Clean and properly winterize your rain barrel.

Inside your home

  • Still have an old, high-flow toilet? Consider replacing it with a low-flow WaterSense approved model to save money and water.
  • Check your sump pump for leaks or damage.
  • Clean out the backflow valve located in your basement.
  • Use your water meter ​to check for leaks inside your home every six months as part of regular home maintenance.
  • Check your toilets, taps, humidifier, hot water heater, water softener and other water using devices for leaks.
  • Service your hot water heater, water softener and humidifier.
  • Check your home insurance policy before deciding to turn your water off, and confirm how often someone needs to check on your home while you’re away.